High Strangeness and What’s Ahead
If the past few years have shown us anything, it’s that the future can end up being far weirder than we might’ve imagined.
WHO could’ve seen the entire world locked down due to a Lab Leak! Weird times. Sad times too.
So what’s coming next….
The smartest people on the planet are shouting from the rooftops to put the breaks on A.I. and I agree.
The single biggest threat to humanity is a rogue artificial intelligence with far superior capabilities in every sector of knowledge.
I’ve written about the singularity in a previous post so I won’t go back into the details of that. However, it’s coming and I wonder if there’s a connection to the increase in UAP (ufo) sightings.
Everyone is walking around with a camera on their phone so there’s no doubt that’s contributing to the increase in photo captures of UAPs but regardless, there has been a HUGE uptick in sightings!
Go look outside tonight. Get a high vantage point and scan not just up high but over the tree tops down low.
Chances are pretty high you’ll see something that isn’t a satellite, that isn’t a meteor, learn to tell the difference. Meteors don’t move slow and don’t stop and don’t change directions. Same with satellites.
Something is happening.
Something is coming.
And it’s STRANGE.
Are you ready?